1. Re: Failed to initialize workspace 'default'
swiderski.maciej Apr 10, 2013 5:08 AM (in response to casey_0708)looks like you ran into issue with too many open files, please try to search on how you can resolve that on your OS. As far as I remember for linux you could try to change the limit using this command:
ulimit -f 5000
Once the limit is changed restart application server and you should be ready to go.
2. Re: Failed to initialize workspace 'default'
casey_0708 Apr 11, 2013 1:12 AM (in response to swiderski.maciej)thanks for replying.
using the command ulimit -n 10240 changes the limit of open files.then the server woks fine.
but i got another problem.
when I use locahost:8080/drools-guvnor ,server works fine. After changing the bind address in standalone.xml and using to visit the sever(I use the standalone.sh -b to start the server),it works fine.
then I create and edit a BPMN file in this page.when I save this file and reopen it, the file I designed is gone! it is a new one.
after that,I check the files in jbpm-installer. I find that there is no /repository folder.(when I use localhost:8080 to visit,there 's a repository folder).
I don't know what to do.and I also want to ask how to change the bind address .I modify the standalone.xml,the use command ant start.demo,but it doesn't work.
for more details see the sever.log
server.log.zip 14.7 KB
3. Re: Failed to initialize workspace 'default'
swiderski.maciej Apr 15, 2013 2:23 AM (in response to casey_0708)1 of 1 people found this helpfulCheck the configuration for jbpm console and designer on how to change some of the settings that most likely cause the problem you described
4. Re: Failed to initialize workspace 'default'
casey_0708 Apr 15, 2013 5:44 AM (in response to swiderski.maciej)hi Macieji,
thanks for replying.But after changing the configuration according to the https://community.jboss.org/wiki/NetworkConfigurationJBPM54withBugFixes ,it doesn't work.
i'm new to jbpm, how can i fix this problem.thank you.
5. Re: Failed to initialize workspace 'default'
casey_0708 Apr 17, 2013 10:50 PM (in response to swiderski.maciej)hi Macieji,
I solve the problem.I change the designer.war accorfing to the jbpm guide.thanks for you help.