1 Reply Latest reply on Apr 24, 2013 7:59 AM by lzoubek

    RHQ CLI error during installation


      Hello friends,


                       I tried to install RHQ-CLI, i got the error like.




      java.io.FileNotFoundException: E:\RHQ%20TOOLS\rhq-remoting-cli-4.5.1\lib\rhq-core-domain-4.5.1.jar (The system cannot find the path specified)

              at java.util.zip.ZipFile.open(Native Method)

              at java.util.zip.ZipFile.<init>(ZipFile.java:127)

              at java.util.jar.JarFile.<init>(JarFile.java:136)

              at java.util.jar.JarFile.<init>(JarFile.java:100)

              at org.rhq.bindings.util.PackageFinder.findPackagesInJar(PackageFinder.java:107)

              at org.rhq.bindings.util.PackageFinder.findPackages(PackageFinder.java:64)

              at org.rhq.bindings.ScriptEngineFactory.getSecuredScriptEngine(ScriptEngineFactory.java:169)

              at org.rhq.bindings.ScriptEngineFactory.getScriptEngine(ScriptEngineFactory.java:150)

              at org.rhq.enterprise.client.ClientMain.getScriptEngine(ClientMain.java:706)

              at org.rhq.enterprise.client.commands.ScriptCommand.initBindings(ScriptCommand.java:184)

              at org.rhq.enterprise.client.commands.ScriptCommand.initClient(ScriptCommand.java:196)

              at org.rhq.enterprise.client.ClientMain.initScriptCommand(ClientMain.java:202)

              at org.rhq.enterprise.client.ClientMain.initialize(ClientMain.java:223)

              at org.rhq.enterprise.client.ClientMain.main(ClientMain.java:175)

      Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException

              at org.rhq.bindings.ScriptEngineFactory.injectStandardBindings(ScriptEngineFactory.java:197)

              at org.rhq.enterprise.client.commands.ScriptCommand.initBindings(ScriptCommand.java:188)

              at org.rhq.enterprise.client.commands.ScriptCommand.initClient(ScriptCommand.java:196)

              at org.rhq.enterprise.client.ClientMain.initScriptCommand(ClientMain.java:202)

              at org.rhq.enterprise.client.ClientMain.initialize(ClientMain.java:223)

              at org.rhq.enterprise.client.ClientMain.main(ClientMain.java:175)





      This is my rhq-cli-env.bat




      rem ===========================================================================


      rem RHQ CLI Windows Startup Script Configuration File


      rem ===========================================================================




      rem    RHQ_CLI_DEBUG - If this is defined, the script will emit debug


      rem                      messages. It will also enable debug


      rem                      messages to be emitted from the CLI itself.


      rem                      If not set or set to "false", debug is turned off.




      rem set RHQ_CLI_DEBUG=true


      rem    RHQ_CLI_HOME - Defines where the CLI's home install directory is.


      rem                     If not defined, it will be assumed to be the parent


      rem                     directory of the directory where this script lives.




      rem set RHQ_CLI_HOME=E:\RHQ TOOLS\rhq-remoting-cli-4.5.1


      rem    RHQ_CLI_JAVA_HOME - The location of the JRE that the CLI will


      rem                          use. This will be ignored if


      rem                          RHQ_CLI_JAVA_EXE_FILE_PATH is set.


      rem                          If this and RHQ_CLI_JAVA_EXE_FILE_PATH are


      rem                          not set, the CLI will default to JAVA_HOME.




      rem set RHQ_CLI_JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_41


      rem    RHQ_CLI_JAVA_EXE_FILE_PATH - Defines the full path to the Java


      rem                                   executable to use. If this is set,


      rem                                   RHQ_CLI_JAVA_HOME is ignored.


      rem                                   If this is not set, then


      rem                                   C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_41\bin\java.exe


      rem                                   is used.




      rem set RHQ_CLI_JAVA_EXE_FILE_PATH=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_41\bin\java.exe


      rem    RHQ_CLI_JAVA_OPTS - Java VM command line options to be


      rem                          passed into the CLI's VM. If this is not defined


      rem                          this script will pass in a default set of options.


      rem                          If this is set, it completely overrides the


      rem                          CLI's defaults. If you only want to add options


      rem                          to the CLI's defaults, then you will want to


      rem                          use RHQ_CLI_ADDITIONAL_JAVA_OPTS instead.




      rem set RHQ_CLI_JAVA_OPTS=-Xms64m -Xmx128m -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true


      rem    RHQ_CLI_JAVA_ENDORSED_DIRS - Java VM command line option to set the


      rem                                   endorsed dirs for the CLI's VM. If this


      rem                                   is not defined this script will pass in a


      rem                                   default value. If this is set, it


      rem                                   completely overrides the CLI's default.


      rem                                   However, if this is set to "none", the


      rem                                   CLI will not be passed the VM argument


      rem                                   to set the endorsed dirs.




      rem set RHQ_CLI_JAVA_ENDORSED_DIRS=E:\RHQ TOOLS\rhq-remoting-cli-4.5.1\lib\endorsed


      rem    RHQ_CLI_ADDITIONAL_JAVA_OPTS - additional Java VM command line options


      rem                                     to be passed into the CLI's VM. This


      rem                                     is added to RHQ_CLI_JAVA_OPTS; it


      rem                                     is mainly used to augment the CLI's


      rem                                     default set of options. This can be


      rem                                     left unset if it is not needed.




      rem set RHQ_CLI_ADDITIONAL_JAVA_OPTS=-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,address=9787,server=y,suspend=n


      rem set RHQ_CLI_ADDITIONAL_JAVA_OPTS=-Dorg.jboss.remoting.keyStore=data/keystore.dat -Dorg.jboss.remoting.keyStoreAlgorithm=SunX509 -Dorg.jboss.remoting.keyStoreType=JKS -Dorg.jboss.remoting.keyStorePassword=password -Dorg.jboss.remoting.keyPassword=password -Dorg.jboss.remoting.keyAlias=self


      rem    RHQ_CLI_CMDLINE_OPTS - If this is defined, these are the command line


      rem                             arguments that will be passed to the RHQ CLI.


      rem                             Any arguments specified on the command line


      rem                             will be ignored. If this is not defined, the


      rem                             command line arguments given to the script are


      rem                             passed through to the RHQ CLI.


      rem                             If you want to have command line arguments


      rem                             added to the arguments specified here, append


      rem                             '' to the end of this option. For example,


      rem                             "--someOption ". In this case, both the command


      rem                             line options and the ones specified here will


      rem                             be passed to the CLI.




      rem set RHQ_CLI_CMDLINE_OPTS=


      rem    RHQ_CLI_ADDITIONAL_JAVA_OPTS - additional Java VM command line options


      rem                                     to be passed into the CLI's VM. This


      rem                                     is added to RHQ_CLI_JAVA_OPTS; it


      rem                                     is mainly used to augment the CLI's


      rem                                     default set of options. This can be


      rem                                     left unset if it is not needed.




      rem set RHQ_CLI_ADDITIONAL_JAVA_OPTS=-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,address=9787,ser


      rem set RHQ_CLI_ADDITIONAL_JAVA_OPTS=-Dorg.jboss.remoting.keyStore=data/keystore.dat -Do


      rem    RHQ_CLI_CMDLINE_OPTS - If this is defined, these are the command line


      rem                             arguments that will be passed to the RHQ CLI.


      rem                             Any arguments specified on the command line


      rem                             will be ignored. If this is not defined, the


      rem                             command line arguments given to the script are


      rem                             passed through to the RHQ CLI.


      rem                             If you want to have command line arguments


      rem                             added to the arguments specified here, append


      rem                             '' to the end of this option. For example,


      rem                             "--someOption ". In this case, both the command


      rem                             line options and the ones specified here will


      rem                             be passed to the CLI.




      rem set RHQ_CLI_CMDLINE_OPTS=

        • 1. Re: RHQ CLI error during installation

          Hi  Udaya,


          it seems like client is complaining about missing JAR file. Please check that  E:\RHQ%20TOOLS\rhq-remoting-cli-4.5.1\lib\rhq-core-domain-4.5.1.jar exists. If not, try to download & unzip CLI from client again. Also note that having and running java application on path with space (in your case RHQ TOOLS) is bad idea, try to aviod that and unzip CLI into different location.