5 Replies Latest reply on Apr 23, 2013 11:32 PM by zerog

    Using a FTP provider for a single ESB Service



      I was trying to work on creating an esb service definition which is used by a jBPM process definition. One of the esb services in the jbpm process definition needs to read from a file on a well known FTP folder location. I am able to model this using ideas from the quick start bpm orch 2 example. However, the esb service jbpm node which has a configured FTP listener which uses the FTP channel from the FTP provider configuration does not leave this node even after reading the file from the FTP location. i.e., I need to trigger a node-leave event which for some reason doesnt happen and the process instance seems to be stuck, programmatically. I have configured the "starter service" and the "signal service" as per the bpm orch 2 and the bpm orch 3 sample quickstarts. Can someone please help me on this ?

      My env :

      OS : Windows 7

      JBoss ESB : 4.5.0 GA (JBAS 4.2.3)

      jBPM 3



        • 1. Re: Using a FTP provider for a single ESB Service

          Why are you using such an old version of JBoss ESB (4.12 is the current version)?     


          I'd split this into parts and get the ftp listener part working using the helloworld_ftp_action quickstart ideas, and then, once you have that working, start incorporating what you need from bpm_orchestration[23].

          • 2. Re: Using a FTP provider for a single ESB Service

            Hi Tom,

            This was the last version I was trying out the quickstarts with and just wanted to check the esb-bpm integration. Now, I have tried precisely the way u mentioned, but there are significant differences between the helloworld ftp qs sample and the bpm orch 3. One being e.g., the hw ftp qs sample doesnt consider an underlying bpm engine. This is what I am trying to get to work and broadly the path I took was first with the hw ftp qs sample, then I tried the bpm orch2 and now the bpm orch 3 samples. But I am stuck. The bpm orch2 doesnt consider a bpm call back esb service needing to be configured and the bpm orch 3 just looks at process definition, instantiation and token signalling using ws:a (replyToEPR.xml) semantics for that demo. I just need to use a FTP provider for 'one' ESB service amongst others in a jbpm process definition. ie only one jbpm node needs to interact with a FTP server using a jboss esb preconfigured ftp provider. There are, of course, other jbpm nodes in the process definition which dont need to interact with a ftp server.

            • 3. Re: Using a FTP provider for a single ESB Service

              I'm confused with what you are trying to do - can't you just take bpm_orch 2 and replace


                            <jms-bus busid="deployGwChannel">

                                <jms-message-filter dest-type="QUEUE"

                                    dest-name="queue/quickstart_bpm_orchestration2_deploy_Request_gw" />



              with a ftp provider?

              • 4. Re: Using a FTP provider for a single ESB Service

                That I believe is for configuring a queue destination using the JMS provider configured in the jboss esb xml for bpm process definition deployments. Please correct me if otherwise. Essentially, I am looking to signal tokens from one bpm node to another. All the nodes in the jbpm process definition other than the start and end states and the fork, join nodes are esb-services. For demo purpose I want to configure only one "esb-service" node to wait on availability of a file on a remote file location. I hope this clarifies what I am trying to achieve to a better extent.

                • 5. Re: Using a FTP provider for a single ESB Service

                  Ok. This seems to be fixed now. I was missing the MEP "One-Way" for the esb service actions. This way, the bpm node configured as an esb service with this setting will wait for the callback to be asynchronously sent to the bpm engine using the ServiceInvoker. Let me know if any further details are required w.r.t. how-to on this.