1. Re: Container Configuration for Message Drive Bean for EJB 2.1 in JBOSS AS 6.0 EAP
wdfink Apr 25, 2013 9:22 AM (in response to georgesg)With AS7/EAP6 it is not longer possible to configure the container within standardjboss.xml (server configuration) or jboss.xml (deployment descriptor). Both files are not longer supported
2. Re: Container Configuration for Message Drive Bean for EJB 2.1 in JBOSS AS 6.0 EAP
georgesg Apr 25, 2013 9:30 AM (in response to wdfink)Thanks wolf for your fast response.
Yes, standardjboss.xml and jboss.xml are not longer present in EAP 6 Version 7.1.3 Final. It is ignored in the deployments. But there are equivalent configuration and deployment descriptors introduced.
jboss-ejb3.xml is equivalent of jboss.xml in eap 6,
Regarding server configuration , all the configurations are consolidated under one single configuration file which is either standalone.xml (for standalone mode) or doman.xml (for managed mode).
So, if at all i want to introduce Container configuration for functionalities such as container-interceptors, Is it possible or any equivalent feature available in EAP 6 Verson 7.1.3 Final ? Kindly advise.
3. Re: Container Configuration for Message Drive Bean for EJB 2.1 in JBOSS AS 6.0 EAP
wdfink Apr 25, 2013 9:40 AM (in response to georgesg)The possibility I know is to use the @Interceptors annotation, but indeed that will not cover all the use-cases as it is not possible to interrupt before security or Tx for example.
4. Re: Container Configuration for Message Drive Bean for EJB 2.1 in JBOSS AS 6.0 EAP
georgesg Apr 25, 2013 9:47 AM (in response to wdfink)Our objective is to Migrate the existing applications in EJB 2.1 to EAP 6 . So, we wont be able to exploit the EJB annotations for this purpose . So i believe there is no possibility of any interceptors for a MDB Container