0 Replies Latest reply on Apr 25, 2013 11:05 PM by li55_99

    Is it possiable to integrate a traditional webapp with JBoss OSGi to become a hybrid webapp?



              We just have a traditional web application  (already provide basic modules like access control,cron job) that deployed on JBoss AS. and it is consisted by many classes/jsp/css/javascripts and many 3rd-part jar libraries,then developer can develop self business modules based on it and deploy with this webapp together on JBoss AS,(of course it will use JNDI to connect database,JTA etc..)

      so if we need refactor it using OSGi technology,is it possiable? we have two director: 1st is refactor whole web application to pure OSGi bundles(one or many) ,2nd is just refactor those backend codes

      as OSGi bundles(means  just those classes,xml configurations and it will be hybrid with non-bundle&bundle) ,and still remain those jsp/css/javascripts into traditional webapp because we have a httphandle servlet that can do forward things(little like struts did) . of course,we need both way not change too much codes as our web application is too large. so any guy have some experience on thise things that can give some advice and suggestion?



      Wells Li