1 Reply Latest reply on Apr 29, 2013 7:39 AM by th.janssen

    EJB Can't use encrypted DataSource


      Hello Guys,


      Im encrypting my datasources and some EJB's3 use this DS.


      Here is my problem, if i use encryption my EJB's cant connect to data base, if i remove they connect well.


      Anyone know how to solve this?




        • 1. Re: EJB Can't use encrypted DataSource

          Please provide some more information (log file, server version, what have you done to encrypt the password, ...). Without any information we can only guess ...


          Here some general hints for AS 7.x:

          I followed this tutorial http://middlewaremagic.com/jboss/?p=1026 to setup the encyption and it went smoothly. Did you the same as described there?

          A starting '-' in the encrypted password is part of the password.


