0 Replies Latest reply on Apr 30, 2013 10:08 AM by jjfraney

    EAR AS6: application-name != ear file name leads to unresolved dependencies


      In my ear's application.xml file, I specify application-name: app-model.

      The ear's file name is: app-model-


      When deployed:



        Deployment "jboss.ejb3:application=app-model-ear-,module=app-model-beans,component=ABean,service=EjbEncFactory" is missing the following dependencies:

          Dependency "jboss.naming:application=app-model-ear-,component=ABean,module=app-model-beans" (should be in state "Installed", but is actually in state "** NOT FOUND Depends on 'jboss.naming:application=app-model-ear-,component=ABean,module=app-model-beans' **")



      To resolve, I can either:

        1) deploy the file as app-model.ear.  (verified to work)

        2) use application-name app-model- (verified to work)

      3) ???


      Does anyone know alternate option 3, if it exists?


      Options 1 and 2 are not optimal for complex reasons:


      1) I want global jndi registration to be: java:global/app-model/app-model-beans/ABean!....., not java:global/app-model-!.

      2) I want deployable files to retain their version numbers: server/*/deploy/app-model-, not server/*/deploy/app-model.ear

      3) I want a single ear deployable for both AS6 and AS7, not a distinct deployable for each.In AS7 and in AS7, I want the module name to be: deployment.app-model.ear..., not deployment.app-model-


