2 Replies Latest reply on Jul 9, 2013 2:08 PM by guillo

    Deploying a .ear in domain mode (vs standalone) using remoting-jmx




      In JBoss AS7,


      From a client java program,


      i'm using this: service:jmx:remoting-jmx://my_host_name:port to connect to either a standalone mode server or a domain mode server.



      In standalone mode:


      I can retreive the MBean jboss.as:deployment=myEar.ear, and then able to deploy, redeploy, undeploy or remove myEar.ear


      This works great !




      In domain mode:


      I have 3-4 ears deployed on this server, belonging to different server groups.


      There is only a few MBeans (not interesting for deploying) availables, and mainly, no jboss.as:deployment=myEar.ear available, or any MBeans related to server-groups or cluster etc...


      I'm thinking that there must be a xml configuration file (domain.xml,host.xml,....) somewhere to offer the wanted MBeans ?


      Why standalone mode has the jboss.as:deployment MBean and not the domain mode ?


      JBoss AS7 is installed on Linux 2.6.32-279.5.2.el6.x86_64



      Any idea ?

        • 1. Re: Deploying a .ear in domain mode (vs standalone) using remoting-jmx



               The whole concept of Domain mode is to have a centeralized controll over your whole domain.... Like deployment/Undeployment... etc. Everything should be achevable through Domain Controller  (Rather than contacting individual JBos Servers which are part of domain)


               In Domain mode we have a concept of "server-groups"   (which are based on some profiles like ha, full-ha, full, default...etc).    We Target applications to "server-groups"   (Not to individual servers in Domain mode).   So definitely you will not see any such MBean on Individual Server which you can use to deploy an application on a JBoss instance which is running as part of Domain mode.

          • 2. Re: Deploying a .ear in domain mode (vs standalone) using remoting-jmx

            Thank you for your reply