1 Reply Latest reply on Sep 9, 2002 4:22 PM by dsundstrom

    Jboss cant find ejbPostCreate


      my entity bean class is as follows however according to jboss it cant find the ejb[Post]Create method

      package ss.compsys;

      import javax.ejb.*;

      public abstract class ComputerSystemBean implements EntityBean

      public abstract void setCompID( Integer compID );
      public abstract Integer getCompID( );

      public abstract void setDescription( String description );
      public abstract String getDescription( );

      public abstract void setOwner( String owner );
      public abstract String getOwner( );

      public void setEntityContext( EntityContext ctx ){


      public void unsetEntityContext( ){


      public void ejbPostCreate( Integer compID , String owner , String description ){}

      public Integer ejbCreate( Integer compID , String owner , String description ) throws CreateException{
      System.out.println( "ejbCreate( )" );
      setCompID( compID );
      setOwner( owner );
      setDescription( description );

      return compID;