1 Reply Latest reply on May 14, 2013 10:03 AM by jayshaughnessy

    JBAS014792 - http 500 from AS7 in RHQ Agent log?



      I'm seeing a lot of the warnings below in our RHQ Agent logs:


      2013-05-14 11:53:55,233 WARN  [ResourceContainer.invoker.daemon-103] (rhq.modules.plugins.jbossas7.ASConnection)- Received 500 Internal Server Error response to Operation{operation='read-attribute', address=Address{path: subsystem=security,security-domain=jboss-web-policy}, additionalProperties={name=name}} - response body was [{"outcome" : "failed", "failure-description" : "JBAS014792: Unknown attribute name", "rolled-back" : true}].

      Sometimes there's several of these per second.


      What causes this, and is there a way to get rid of these warnings?

