0 Replies Latest reply on May 15, 2013 6:58 AM by fjouatte

    Rich:editor value not evaluated


      Hi everyone,


      I'm facing some issues with the RichFaces component <rich:editor>. I want to link it with a button and create a message with the value of the editor.

      Unfortunately, it works only when i reload the page manually (with F5): after the first reload i am allowed to post a message but the value content is not refreshed in the bean.

      Here is my code:


      <a4j:outputPanel id="ecrireMessageMur" layout="block" styleClass="formulaireAjoutMessage">
           <h:form id="formulaireMessage">
                <rich:editor id="editor" value="#{PublicationBean.contenu}" required="true">
                </rich:editor> <p />
                <a4j:commandButton value="Poster sur son mur" action="#{PublicationBean.ajoutMessage()}" render="monActu">
                      <a4j:param value="#{ObjetEleve.id_eleve}" assignTo="#{PublicationBean.id_eleve_emetteur}" />
                      <a4j:param value="#{ObjetEleve.id_eleve}" assignTo="#{PublicationBean.id_eleve_destinataire}" />
                      <a4j:param converter="javax.faces.DateTime" value="#{currentDate}" assignTo="#{PublicationBean.date_envoie}" />





      The PublicationBean is a managed bean that extends another bean class. Could it be the cause of the problem?