0 Replies Latest reply on May 15, 2013 6:37 PM by shoitan

    class SPPostMetadataConfigurationProvider xml configuration for sp-metadata setup in JBoss 5


      From this page, it is documented that this class should be configured in jboss-web.xml but we found it is only true for JBoss 7.




      What is the proper way to configure this provider in JBoss 5?


      We enabled trace and we saw the following output:


          WARN  [federation] Check addJceProvider method of org.picketlink.identity.federation.core.util.ProvidersUtil for more info.


      Further Google discovered from the source code that we need to set up SPPostMetadataConfigurationProvider but the documentation suggested to put it in jboss-web.xml, which is only accepted in JBoss 7 (we tried in JBoss 5 but got an exception during startup).


      Any help is appreciated.