1 Reply Latest reply on Aug 2, 2013 8:21 AM by strandmyr

    Richfaces datatable, filter works in unexpected way




      My problem is very strange to me.

      Im looking for a rich datatable (or extendeddatatable, it does not really matter for me) which can filter certain columns.

      From the richfaces showcase i followed the extended datatable example and explicitly for the vendor column.

      You can find the example here: Showcase example


      I made the filter work eventually, but all of a sudden there is a input text field below the selectbox to filter.

      That input field should not be there, because i have no use for it. Can someone help me out to get rid of this?

      The attached image can show you what happened.


      my .xthml code:



      <rich:extendedDataTable value="#{AddAttribuutPB.allDocuments}"
                                                      var="doc" id="table"
                                                      style="height:300px; width:500px;" selectionMode="none">
                     <f:facet name="noData">
                             Nothing found
                     <rich:column  filter="#{DocumentenFilteringBean.filterVendor}" >
                              <f:facet name="header">
                                              <h:outputText value="Soort "/>
                                              <h:selectOneMenu value="#{DocumentenFilteringBean.vendorFilter}">
                                                  <f:selectItems value="#{AddAttribuutPB.DocumentSoortOptions()}" var="docsoort" itemLabel="#{docsoort.document_soort_omschrijving}" itemValue="#{docsoort.document_soort_omschrijving}"/>
                                                  <a4j:ajax render="table" execute="@this" event="change"/>
                              <h:outputText value="#{doc.document_soort.document_soort_omschrijving}" />
                               <f:facet name="header">
                                      <h:outputText value="Naam"/>
                               <h:outputText value="#{doc.document_naam}"/>




      My DocumentenFilteringBean.java:



      public class DocumentenFilteringBean implements Serializable {
          private static final long serialVersionUID = -5680001353441022183L;
          private String vendorFilter;
          public Filter<?> getFilterVendor() {
              return new Filter<Document>() {
                  public boolean accept(Document t) {
                      String vendor = getVendorFilter();
                      if (vendor == null || vendor.length() == 0 || vendor.equals(t.getDocument_soort().getDocument_soort_omschrijving())) {
                          return true;
                      return false;
          public String getVendorFilter() {
              return vendorFilter;
          public void setVendorFilter(String vendorFilter) {
              this.vendorFilter = vendorFilter;



      I know i didn't follow the code example exactly, but otherwise the getFilterVendor() wouldn't even get called!

      Thanks in advance