1 Reply Latest reply on Jul 26, 2011 4:37 AM by stahlhofens

    Unified Invoker UndeclaredThrowableExcetion


      I'm using JBoss 4.2.3.GA, EJB3, with a simple interface

      public class Service {
       public void method(args) throw ServiceException;

      Running the client test with jnp:// all works fine.

      I configured my service to use Unified Invoker as explained
      in the Wiki article
      EJB, JMS and JNDI over HTTP with Unified Invoker

      All works fine, except when the service throws the Exception, instead
      of receiving ServiceException (which I recieve correctly using jnp),
      I recieve this chain of Exceptions

      - UndeclaredThrowableException
      - ServletThrowable
      - ServiceException

      I wasn't able to find anything about this issue in the lists, sorry if it
      is already there.

      My questions:
      Is this the correct behavior when changing to unified invoker ?
      And if not, is there a way to change this and receive the ServiceException alone ?

      Thanks in advance