1 Reply Latest reply on May 22, 2013 6:53 AM by ahmedza

    Error Opening Form Definition from Guvnor with form builder deployed on different node




      I am having an issue in integrating GUVNOR and JBPM-FORM-BUILDER when I deploy guvnor and form builder on different nodes. I am getting Http-500 : Error getting task from Guvnor. Or I am getting Http 404 : /jbpm-form-builder/embed. It asks for authentication to form-builder And the error comes after successful authentication. I cannot find any server log printed, only the error comes on screen. Attached is the screen shot.


      All works fine when I deploy guvnor and form builder on the same node. But on different nodes the errors are seen while opening/creating the form definitions from guvnor.1


      Environment :


      Node 1:

      1. drools-guvnor.war
      2. designer.war


      Node 2:

      1. jbpm-form-builder.war


      Server tried with

      1. Jboss EAP6.0.1
      2. Jboss AS-7.1
      3. Guvnor 5.4.0
      4. Jbpm-form-builder 5.4


      Guvnor   Preference.properties: path=>drools-guvnor.war/WEB-INF/classes/



      # Global preferences for Guvnor web app.





      # asset.format.enabled.XYZ determines if format XYZ (as named inside guvnor extensions)

      # is enabled on the current guvnor instalation

      1. asset.format.enabled.formdef=true


      # Date and language settings

      1. drools.dateformat=dd-MMM-yyyy
      2. drools.defaultlanguage=en
      3. drools.defaultcountry=US


      #RuleModeller (guided editor) checkbox default value



      #Designer configuration

      1. designer.url=http://localhost:8080

      #Do not change this unless you know what are you doing

      1. designer.context=designer
      2. designer.profile=jbpm


      #FormBuilder configuration

      #Do not change this unless you know what are you doing

      1. formbuilder.url=http://localhost:8280
      2. formbuilder.context=jbpm-form-builder
      3. formbuilder.profile=guvnor




      Form-builder . springcomponents.xml


      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

      <beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"





      http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans-3.0.xsd

      http://www.springframework.org/schema/context http://www.springframework.org/schema/context/spring-context-3.0.xsd

      http://www.springframework.org/schema/task http://www.springframework.org/schema/task/spring-task-3.0.xsd">


          <!-- Select configuration strategy -->

          <bean id="strategy" class="java.lang.String">

            <constructor-arg type="java.lang.String" value="guvnor"/>



          <!-- Guvnor configuration -->


          <bean id="guvnorUrl" class="java.lang.String">

            <constructor-arg type="java.lang.String" value="http://localhost:8080/drools-guvnor"/>



          <bean id="guvnorUser" class="java.lang.String">

            <constructor-arg type="java.lang.String" value="admin"/>



          <bean id="guvnorPass" class="java.lang.String">

            <constructor-arg type="java.lang.String" value="admin"/>



          <bean id="serviceFactory" class="org.jbpm.formbuilder.server.ServiceFactory" factory-method="getInstance"/>


          <!-- Guvnor services -->


          <bean id="guvnorFileService" class="org.jbpm.formbuilder.server.file.GuvnorFileService">

            <property name="baseUrl" ref="guvnorUrl"/>

            <property name="user" ref="guvnorUser"/>

            <property name="password" ref="guvnorPass"/>



          <bean id="guvnorFormService" class="org.jbpm.formbuilder.server.form.GuvnorFormDefinitionService">

            <property name="baseUrl" ref="guvnorUrl"/>

            <property name="user" ref="guvnorUser"/>

            <property name="password" ref="guvnorPass"/>



          <bean id="guvnorTaskService" class="org.jbpm.formbuilder.server.task.GuvnorTaskDefinitionService">

            <property name="baseUrl" ref="guvnorUrl"/>

            <property name="user" ref="guvnorUser"/>

            <property name="password" ref="guvnorPass"/>



          <bean id="guvnorMenuService" class="org.jbpm.formbuilder.server.menu.GuvnorMenuService">






