3 Replies Latest reply on May 23, 2013 2:57 AM by nicols

    JBPM 5.4 Human task connected by HornetQ


      Hi everybody,


      I have a question around the hornetQ implemtation for the Human Task in a jboss AS context. I never use this before...


      Can we use directly a Jboss AS queue , without start a new server like this : new HornetQTaskServer(taskService, "", 5445) ?


      Can we connect to a queue ? or we have to start a new HornetQServer ?


      Thanks for your answer,



        • 1. Re: JBPM 5.4 Human task connected by HornetQ

          Usually you start a broker and create queues on it... you can start a new hornetq server embedded though...



          But I don't have much context on what you want to achieve there.. I can only answer these two specific questions . I don't see where the human interaction gets in on your question.

          • 2. Re: JBPM 5.4 Human task connected by HornetQ

            or for other matters... where JBPM enters on the equation?

            • 3. Re: JBPM 5.4 Human task connected by HornetQ

              Hi Clebert,


              Sorry, I'm a little bit confused, maybe i haven't explain correctly my problem.


              I would like to use JBPM in cluster, with human task, so i have to use an implementation like Mina or HornetQ to transport my information, is it correct ?


              In the jbpm example, i see a new instance of HornetQ like this : new HornetQTaskServer(taskService, "", 5445)

              But i don't see how i can connect directly to my JMS queue (HornetQ) of jboss?



