1 Reply Latest reply on Jun 17, 2013 10:43 AM by rockerced

    JMS Queue and MDB dynamic runtime creation


      Hello at all,


      I want to create JMS Queue and MDB to listen with dynamic runtime creation in the JBOSS application server and no at the starting of this server.

      In my case, i want to manage a new service dynamically.


      Use case :

      A service send a JMS message in the admin queue of my application (in the JBOSS AS). This message contains QUEUE indentifier informations.

      I don't know what is the name of queue before. And i must create it. The MDB code is the same for consuming message in this service queue.


      I didn't found documentation to create elements dynamically. Can you give code to perform this action.


      Best regards,

      GOSSET Cédric