1. Re: implicit modules in development
wdfink Jun 8, 2013 6:09 AM (in response to jsm3031)Hi,
welcome to the forum.
There are several projects to help developers in JBoss, see the developer jboss way.
In each project/ide you have to declare dependencies, sometimes you will have a special EE distribution where such things are included or you have wizards for this, you might try the JBoss IDE based on eclipse or JBoss tools.
To create a maven project you can use forge it will simple create different types of projects.
2. Re: implicit modules in development
jsm3031 Jun 8, 2013 12:41 PM (in response to wdfink)Thanks for replying.
I know it's not jboss specific and just something I don't understand about java EE in general I guess. I appreciate peoples' time for explaining it.
What I am failing to understand is, for example, JBoss AS 7 provides something like hibernate. It's found in /jboss-home/modules/org/hibernate/main/ and includes hibernate-core and JPA specific entitymanager, etc. But while developing in the IDE I still have add the libraries to the lib folder, use an IDE feature which fetches them some other way, or something like maven which puts them ~/.m2. I don't understand why these jars have to be in two places.
thanks again
3. Re: implicit modules in development
wdfink Jun 8, 2013 3:39 PM (in response to jsm3031)If you use a JEE application server you can code against the JEE API, which mean JPA, EJB, JSF... In this case you only need to include the JavaEE API's downloaded from Oracle site or by maven dependencies.
The reason for have that in different places is that the IDE need the reference to compile, Eclipse i.e. can use the pom.xml files (with maven plugin) to collect the references.
With an IDE you are able to use a GUI for programming, with Eclipse (EE bundle) you are able to produce the JAR/EAR directly.
Most developers use maven to be able to build from a shell and use automatic testing, the IDE will be only used as comfortable editor.
The EE spec delegate the runtime implementation to the server, if you use JBoss the JPA persistence is implemented by Hibernate. If you code against the EE spec you will not need to use Hibernate for developing - this is the idea off JavaEE as you have no direct dependency to a specific AS provider.
4. Re: implicit modules in development
jsm3031 Jun 10, 2013 7:29 PM (in response to wdfink)Thanks for your help. You words have helped guide me in the right direction.