3 Replies Latest reply on Jun 21, 2013 10:22 AM by jcoders

    how to Set a timeout on http ?


      Good Morning,

                           I am trying to do the following.


      1) Post a document to a http service endpoint from a http reference end point and recieve the response back in the same call i make - This works flawlessly

      2) In the response i get back i am unable to see a response status mesage(as in 200/500 etc), which i can see if i use a standalone client and post to the http service endpoint.Saw a post earlier with ref to this but not sure if this feature is in the newer versions of switchyard( I am on 0.8)

      3) We are trying to put a timeout on the messages we send from the http reference end point we have and have been unsuccessful.I tried adding the camel nomenclature for timeout (http://localhost:8080/http-binding/Message?httpClient.soTimeout=5000) to the url and it doesnt seem to error out or anything even when i have a long delay on the receiever side.Is there a alternate way of doing this ?


      Thanks in advance




        • 1. Re: how to Set a timeout on http ?

          Good Morning,

                                  Not sure if someone had a chance to look at this post but I would sure appreciate it if I could be pointed in the right direction. Once I have the working sample I will post it back here like I have done previously to help others :)




          • 2. Re: how to Set a timeout on http ?

            Hi Rajat,


            The newer version has the capability to override status codes.




            There are tests that test the status code in reference binding too. Could you please check our 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT and let me know if it works fine?


            We do not have the facility to set timeout status as yet. I will create a JIRA to add support for that.

            1 of 1 people found this helpful
            • 3. Re: how to Set a timeout on http ?

              Hi Magesh,

                                Thank you for replying . I will check out the 1.0 snapshot for switchyard today and let ya know how it goes.Another question i have is to upgrade from 0.8 to the 1.0.0 snapshot version do i need to uninstall and do a clean install again or will it detect and upgrade without issues ? Thanks on the JIRA ticket too, once created if you could post the link back in this thread i will keep a track of it and change stuff on our end to the version that has the fix when it is ready.Thank you once again.