1. Re: Wise SoapClient limitations?
tcunning Jun 22, 2013 7:17 AM (in response to boy18nj)I guess I'm not understanding your objection here - properties files are used to separate out platform or machine specific properties from code or build scripts. The quickstart example that you reference (webservice_consumer_wise4) does the exact thing you are talking about - it provides a way of specifying specifying these properties for different machines. You shouldn't need to use variables for a properties file value.
If you don't want to change it by hand, you can always make wise.tmpDir's value a token and then use token replacement, depending on what OS is detected, although that seems a little excessive.
2. Re: Wise SoapClient limitations?
boy18nj Jun 22, 2013 12:57 PM (in response to tcunning)Ok I will try to explain further.
Suppose you have following file saved in SVN
I deploy the code from SVN in UNIX. It works Ok. I try to deploy the same code on windows- it fails miserably because wise.tmpDir=/tmp won't work on windows .
Now what do we expect the developer to fix the code. The developer will fix the code to wise.tmpDir=D:/tmp and checks in SVN. Good- works in windows. Ohh..now it doesn't works in UNIX.
I hope it clears out.
If you don't want to change it by hand, you can always make wise.tmpDir's value a token and then use token replacement, depending on what OS is detected, although that seems a little excessive.
How this can be done? Are you saying to do code replacement inside *.esb file?
The quickstart example that you reference (webservice_consumer_wise4) does the exact thing you are talking about - it provides a way of specifying specifying these properties for different machines. You shouldn't need to use variables for a properties file value.
Inside example- webservice_consumer_wise4- readme.txt says-
To Run:
1. Open wise-core.properties and modify the property 'wise.tmpDir' there to suit your environment.
We know there is always 1 respository shared across different environments Unix and Windows. There must be way to do variable substituion inside this property file or if possible to set properties dynamically thru jboss-esb.xml
3. Re: Wise SoapClient limitations?
tcunning Jun 23, 2013 12:24 AM (in response to boy18nj)If you're concerned about properties files being checked in to svn, don't directly check the properties file in - name it something different (wise-core.properties-example?). We do that in the ESB build - we force the user or developer to copy installer.properties-example to installer.properties. Either way, you need someone to edit that file before deployment.
Your other option is token replacement :
There's an example of this in the helloworld_ftp_action quickstart, where the jboss-esb.xml is "unfiltered" at start and contains tokens, but replacement happens through the build.xml targets. In your situation, you would want to filter your properties file, based on os, which ant can detect.
You can set properties dynamically through jboss-esb.xml as well, this link describes a few ways, but I really think you are missing the boat on build vs. deployment use of properties files.