3 Replies Latest reply on Jun 21, 2013 4:55 PM by bleathem

    a4j:mediaOutput  attribute "classid"  is not rendered in 4.3.2 final


      I think this is a bug.


      In MediaOutputRenderer.java of 3.3.2



      getUtils().encodeAttributesFromArray(context, component, RendererUtils.HTML.PASS_THRU_STYLES);
      getUtils().encodeAttribute(context, component, "type");
      getUtils().encodeAttribute(context, component, "classid");
      getUtils().encodePassThru(context, mmedia);


      In MediaOutputRenderer.java  of 4.3.2



      writer.writeURIAttribute(uriAttribute, uri, "uri");
      getUtils().encodeAttributesFromArray(context, component, HtmlConstants.PASS_THRU_STYLES);
      getUtils().encodePassThru(context, mmedia, null);


      I've checked these passthrough, there's no classid tag in it.

        • 1. Re: a4j:mediaOutput  attribute "classid"  is not rendered in 4.3.2 final

          Hey Roland,


          I think you are right - both, type and classid attributes are missing.


          What media are you trying to renderer via mediaOutput?

          • 2. Re: a4j:mediaOutput  attribute "classid"  is not rendered in 4.3.2 final

            Classid is used for embeded PDF viewer object for IE. I don't think it's a good practice to show PDF this way, it's legency code. We'll use iframe in new implement.


            'type' is rendered, because it's in the Pass THRU




            String[] PASS_THRU = {


                        // DIR_ATTRIBUTE,

                        // LANG_ATTRIBUTE,

                        // STYLE_ATTRIBUTE,

                        // TITLE_ATTRIBUTE

                        "accesskey", "alt", "cols", "height", "lang", "longdesc", "maxlength", "rows", "size", "tabindex", "title",

                        "width", "dir", "rules", "frame", "border", "cellspacing", "cellpadding", "summary", "bgcolor", "usemap",

                        "enctype", "accept-charset", "accept", "target", "charset", "coords", "hreflang", "rel", "rev", "shape",

                        "disabled", "readonly", "ismap", "align", "type" };

            • 3. Re: a4j:mediaOutput  attribute "classid"  is not rendered in 4.3.2 final

              Can you file a jira issue tracking this bug?