1. Re: Error while running wsat-simple code in eclipse dynamic web project
paul.robinson Jun 25, 2013 5:25 AM (in response to chiragr)Chirag,
I think your problem could be that you are including the XTS code in your war: WEB-INF/lib/jbossxts-api-4.16.4.Final.jar
You should remove this and then add a dependencies entry to the MANIFEST.MF file. See here for what it should contain: https://github.com/jboss-jdf/jboss-as-quickstart/blob/jdf-2.1.2.Final/wsat-simple/src/test/java/org/jboss/as/quickstarts/wsat/simple/ClientTest.java#L51
2. Re: Error while running wsat-simple code in eclipse dynamic web project
chiragr Jun 25, 2013 1:37 PM (in response to paul.robinson)Hello Paul,
Just added in the MANIFEST.MF file "Dependencies: org.jboss.xts,org.jboss.modules,org.jboss.msc,org.jboss.jts" entry. Tried running the application keeping the jbossxts-api jar in web-inf/lib and it started working. Thanks a lot for your help. Now I will start customizing and try to make 1PC working. Let us see how it goes.
3. Re: Error while running wsat-simple code in eclipse dynamic web project
paul.robinson Jun 26, 2013 3:38 AM (in response to chiragr)1 of 1 people found this helpfulChirag,
Great, I'm glad you've got it working.
You could create a discussion on the "Transactions Development Forum" [1] documenting how you are thinking about implementing your solution for 1PC. You could update the post, as your work through the solution. This is a good idea as it could help you clarify your thoughts and will probably be something that you can turn into a chapter of your thesis. Also, it will make it a lot easier for you to get feedback from the community. Take a look at [2], this is an example of how I used this approach during development of JTA 1.2.
[1] https://community.jboss.org/en/jbosstm/dev?view=discussions&start=0
4. Re: Error while running wsat-simple code in eclipse dynamic web project
chiragr Jun 27, 2013 2:18 AM (in response to paul.robinson)Hello Paul,
Creating a discussion is a very good idea. This would help a lot and will make easier to get feedback from the community. I will definitely follow your advice.
Thanks & Regards,
Chirag Rana.