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1. Re: Giving iOS extension a name that sticks
smikloso Jun 27, 2013 6:29 AM (in response to kpiwko)+1 for arquillian-droidios
2. Re: Giving iOS extension a name that sticks
tkriz Jul 9, 2013 9:03 AM (in response to kpiwko)How about arquillian-iosium? I think that it follows the "droidium" naming better than "droidios".
3. Re: Giving iOS extension a name that sticks
smikloso Jul 9, 2013 9:10 AM (in response to tkriz)I would like to choose droidios since it has the common prefix with droidium so it is automatically identified that it falls into the same tooling basket and the suffix "ios" nicely matches iOS.
You can know more about the background of "droidium" name in this thread:
4. Re: Giving iOS extension a name that sticks
tkriz Jul 9, 2013 9:26 AM (in response to smikloso)Yes, but "droid" evokes "Android". At least it works this way for me. So for me it sounds like Android-iOS