4 Replies Latest reply on Jul 6, 2013 1:10 AM by ffang

    camel xslt an osgi - java.io.FileNotFoundException



      I try to get a route with a xslt as osgi package up and running.


      karaf - camel 2.11, camel 2.10

      servicemix 4 and 5

      route as simple xml file or as jar

      blueprint or spring

      xsl file in etc directory or as resource in the jar


      (the same route bundled as war - deployed in a tomcat works fine)

      A lot of combinations - no luck.

      Everything ends in

      Caused by: javax.xml.transform.TransformerException: java.io.FileNotFoundException: Cannot find resource in classpath for URI: removeNS.xsl

      I read about problems with the osgi resource loader but for the freemarker bundle the resource template is found.

      Is there a way to get camel xslt and osgi up and running ?



        • 1. Re: camel xslt an osgi - java.io.FileNotFoundException



          Append your camel router or even a testcase is more helpful here.


          In camel-itest-osgi module, there's a XsltRouteTest, you may wanna check it out.



          • 2. Re: camel xslt an osgi - java.io.FileNotFoundException



            to reproduce the problem download a karaf 2.3.1.

            Then install some camel bundles


            features:chooseurl camel 2.11-SNAPSHOT


            features:install camel-core camel-spring camel-restlet camel-jetty camel-josql camel-jpa camel-xmljson camel-gson camel-xstream camel-stream camel-freemarker camel-script camel-groovy camel-http camel-blueprint camel-jms



            add the resource file in etc folder (subdir net/test/resources) and deploy the route


            <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

            <blueprint xmlns="http://www.osgi.org/xmlns/blueprint/v1.0.0">

                <bean id="restletComponent" class="org.restlet.Component"/>

                <bean id="camelRestletComponent" class="org.apache.camel.component.restlet.RestletComponent">

                    <argument index="0" type="org.restlet.Component" ref="restletComponent"/>


                <camelContext xmlns="http://camel.apache.org/schema/blueprint" id="init-match-context">

                    <route id="init-match-route">

                        <from uri="restlet:http://localhost:8888/rs/match/{leagueSaison}/{leagueShortcut}?restletMethods=GET"/>

                            <to uri="freemarker:net/test/resources/GetMatchdataByLeagueSaison.ftl"/>

                            <setHeader headerName="Content-Type">

                                <constant>text/xml; charset=UTF-8</constant>


                            <to uri="http://www.openligadb.de/Webservices/Sportsdata.asmx"/>

                            <to uri="xslt:net/test/resources/removeNS.xsl"/>

                            <to uri="xslt:net/test/resources/openliga.xsl"/>



                                <to uri="log:match:{body}?level=DEBUG"/>







            The freemarker template seems to be found the xsl file not :-(


            Looks like https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CAMEL-5223 but this problem should be solved.





            • 3. Re: camel xslt an osgi - java.io.FileNotFoundException

              Make a bundle with all the resource files did it.


              Is this the only way in an osgi camel route to put the resources in a separate bundle ?

              Is it not possible to load them from the classpath ?


              Note to myself: learn more about osgi




              • 4. Re: camel xslt an osgi - java.io.FileNotFoundException



                We suggest put the resource file into bundle, as this way the bundle is self-contained and easy for management.

                Though  you can also put the resource file into a folder outside the bundle, provided the folder is on the classpath. This way generally is a little bit tricky as it depend on how your code looks like and which classloader is used.

