1. Re: How to add filter in a portal extension
nscavell Jul 25, 2013 2:05 PM (in response to tim.drisdelle)1 of 1 people found this helpful/google "gatein filter" -> results[0] = https://community.jboss.org/thread/172870
2. Re: How to add filter in a portal extension
tim.drisdelle Jul 25, 2013 2:07 PM (in response to nscavell)Wow - I guess my Google chops are in need of tuning (too verbose!)
Thanks for the thread, I'll go check it out!
3. Re: How to add filter in a portal extension
tim.drisdelle Jul 25, 2013 6:44 PM (in response to nscavell)Alright...
I've followed the direction on the referenced thread and I think I've got everything working.
However, I'm not able to read in my init-params from the configuration in web-inf-extension-configuration.xml
These params used to be in my web.xml file, and now I've got them like this:
<property name="APP_ID" value="1234"/>
<property name="APP_ID_KEY" value="aaabbbcccddd111222333444"/>
<property name="APP_ADMIN_PASSWORD" value="abcde12345"/>
<name>Auth Filter Definition</name>
<object type="org.exoplatform.web.filter.FilterDefinition">
<!-- The filter instance -->
<field name="filter">
<object type="com.mycompany.authfilter.AuthFilter"/>
<!-- The mapping to use -->
<!-- WARNING: the mapping is expressed with regular expressions -->
<field name="patterns">
<collection type="java.util.ArrayList" item-type="java.lang.String">
I'm not sure I've done this correctly, and when my filter tries filterConfig.getInitParameter("APP_ID") it throws NPE.
Am I supposed to use a different <name> in the <properties-param> ?
I just noticed that the interface org.exoplatform.web.filter.Filter does not include methods for init and destroy, which I was using to populate my FilterConfig (and contained the properties).
4. Re: How to add filter in a portal extension
mposolda Jul 26, 2013 3:17 AM (in response to tim.drisdelle)Hi,
I think that you need to create constructor of your filter, which will just accept InitParams as the argument and read parameters here. Something like
public MyFilter implements Filter
public MyFilter(InitParams params)
// Read other parameters here