1 2 Previous Next 18 Replies Latest reply on Jul 26, 2013 6:27 PM by tmehta Go to original post
      • 15. Re: Accessing spring beans that are deployed in a war.

        Were you able to get Sportsclub working? Would it be possible to see your code to help debug it?  If not, can you post the stack trace?

        • 16. Re: Accessing spring beans that are deployed in a war.

          I got sportsclub working after I went to github to get the latest version of it. 


          Like I said, I got past the stacktrace, it is just the the spring beans are always null although I know the beans I am asking for have been instantiated since my spring application is working fine:



          @Spring(bean = "commanderServer", jndiName = "SpringCommander")

          private commander.server.CommanderServer commanderServer;
          public String getCommanderServer(){
              String status = "Did not get a server object";
              try {
                  if ( commanderServer != null){  <== Always null
                      status = "Hey I got something";
              } catch (Exception e) {
                  status = e.getLocalizedMessage();
              return status;




          One difference I have is that my EJB's live in one ear and the Spring beans in a separate war, each having their own jars.  Not sure if this bean injection has a container (as in each ear, war etc) or JVM scope.

          The spring beans are created in a java class that has the @Configuration annotation and the beans themselves are annotated with the @Bean annotation, like this:




          public class MyConfiguration{



               public MyInterface MyBean(){

                    return new MyInterfaceImpl();




          • 17. Re: Accessing spring beans that are deployed in a war.

            Which way are you trying to go Spring bean into EJB or EJB into Spring?


            If are injecting a Spring Bean into an EJB Using Snowdrop then:






            public class InjectedEjbImpl implements InjectedEjb {

                 @Spring(bean = "springBean", jndiName = "MyApp")

                 private SpringBean springBean;





            OR if you are injecting an EJB Using Annotations then:

            public class ConsumerBean {


                 ExampleEjb exampleEJB;



            • 18. Re: Accessing spring beans that are deployed in a war.

              Just to make sure we attempted to deploy an ear with an ejb getting a spring injected by snowdrop from a *.spring deployment. The following was the configuration:


              The EJB:



              public class GreeterEJB implements IGreeterEJB {

                  @Spring(bean = "springBean", jndiName = "MyApp")

                  private Object memberDao;


              /** rest of class **/




              In the ear pom.xml:

              Note scope is not set to provided:







              Content of resources/META-INF/jboss-deployment-structure.xml:

              Make sure this at the top level of the ear.


              <jboss-deployment-structure xmlns="urn:jboss:deployment-structure:1.0">



                          <module name="org.springframework.spring" slot="snowdrop" export="true">


                                  <include path="META-INF**"/>

                                  <include path="org**"/>



                                  <include path="META-INF**"/>

                                  <include path="org**"/>



                          <module name="org.jboss.snowdrop" export="true"/>




              In META-INF/jboss-spring.xml of either the ear top level or a seperate *.spring application:


              <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

              <beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"


                     xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans.xsd">





              /** beans or imports etc. **/





              Hopefully this helps you out. If not I can send over this sample working solution (much smaller than sporstclub) and hopefully you can take it from there.




              Tejas M.

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