5 Replies Latest reply on Aug 6, 2013 3:02 AM by lhein

    How to build FuseIDE from source code?


      I would like do create a custom component and tweak exisitng components. I have downlaoded the source code for Fuse from the below link



      I am not able to compile the code as there is a pom error.


      Project build error: Non-resolvable parent POM: Failure to transfer org.fusesource:fuse-project:pom:7.2.0.redhat-024 from http://repo.fusesource.com/nexus/content/groups/m2-proxy was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of fusesource-proxy has elapsed or updates are forced. Original error: Could not transfer artifact org.fusesource:fuse-project:pom:7.2.0.redhat-024 from/to fusesource-proxy (http://repo.fusesource.com/nexus/content/groups/m2-proxy): Access denied to http://repo.fusesource.com/nexus/content/groups/m2-proxy/org/fusesource/fuse-project/7.2.0.redhat-024/fuse-project-7.2.0.redhat-024.pom . Status code 401 and 'parent.relativePath' points at wrong local POM



      Any idea how to get rid of this error.

        • 1. Re: How to build FuseIDE from source code?

          I think you meant how to build JBoss Fuse from source? That repo reference has been removed already in trunk but not in a release yet AFAIK. You can just comment out the http://repo.fusesource.com/nexus/content/groups/m2-release-proxy references in the root level pom.xml.




          • 2. Re: How to build FuseIDE from source code?

            Thanks Jonathan, I am able to compile after lot of struggle. Not only by  commenting out the line, instead I have to define lots of properties for the version numbers of jars used.


            Now I dont know how can I build a working product out of it. I tried running mvn clean install but nothing useful outcome of this. I have figured out some "tycho" plug-in is used but don't know how can I get a working Fuse IDE out of same.

            • 3. Re: How to build FuseIDE from source code?

              I'd probably try to check out the sources directly from Github (https://github.com/fusesource/fuseide).

              Then inside the fuseide folder just do "mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true" and it should build an update site

              for Fuse IDE locally on your machine. Afterwards simply point a vanilla Kepler Eclpse to <fuseide-folder>/site/target/repository.

              That should let you install IDE to your eclipse. But beware when using master branch as this is our current development branch which might

              not be stable all the time nor contains all the features from the latest release version.


              Hope that helps!



              • 4. Re: How to build FuseIDE from source code?

                Thanks Lars for the quick reply.


                I did as you had suggested above. I got the same errors like before

                "'dependencies.dependency.version' for commons-beanutils:commons-beanutils:jar must be a valid version but is '${commons-beanutils-version}'. @ line 391, column 16"


                I am sure if I define this varialbe, I will encounter more for other jar versions.


                Should I define these properties with the latest version numbers available for the respective jars or there is an exact list avaialble that I can use.

                • 5. Re: How to build FuseIDE from source code?

                  Try adding the following property to your root pom:



