9 Replies Latest reply on Jul 31, 2013 7:03 AM by rareddy

    How to connect to a running server?


      I have the latest Designer 8.2 Alpha2 on Kepler running, I configured the running server desinged VDB etc. Then I closed the Eclipse, and re-started it. I went to servers view and started the server, now when I try to preview or deploy my VDB Designer complains that "This action requires a running server", as you can see from the picture below, you see the sever started below, and checked the Admin and JDBC connections and they are OK. Where should I go to "connect to server"?




      For me all server connection still seems confusing, why is that after I started the server in "servers" view, I have to again configure a Server for Teiid? Why can't Designer use same configuration from Servers view? I recommend to is let go "Teiid Server" window altoghther completely base it off the "Servers" view. As per the JDBC credentials, you can either move them to some preferences dialog or have re-purpose current screen just for it.

        • 1. Re: How to connect to a running server?

          The Teiid Server configuration references/integrates with an AS/EAP configuration which has some hooks but not the right ones to just "add to their Server editor", hence our own.


          If you've created and started an AS/EAP Server and then tried to set up/add Teiid component to it, I'm not sure if that will work... without restarting?  I know the "connection" it's looking for is a Teiid server, not a generic running AS.



          • 2. Re: How to connect to a running server?

            I just tested the following:


            1) Launched with new/empty workspace (JBDS 7.0 GA + Teiid Designer 8.2 Alpha2)

            2) Created new server via Servers View link (EAP 6.1 + Teiid 8.4 Final)

            3) Started Server

            4) Used Guides view "Model JDBC Source" action set

            5) Got to Preview Data action and it worked fine

            • 3. Re: How to connect to a running server?

              The Teiid Server configuration references/integrates with an AS/EAP configuration which has some hooks but not the right ones to just "add to their Server editor", hence our own.

              What are the hooks? and why can't we work with JBoss Tools folks to fix whatever is needed. Having Teiid specific one is source of the confusion. We should absolutely need to get rid of this dialog for supporting Teiid 8.x servers, if need to support older 7.x servers you can keep it for *just* that. If I am missing something, please explain.

              If you've created and started an AS/EAP Server and then tried to set up/add Teiid component to it, I'm not sure if that will work... without restarting?  I know the "connection" it's looking for is a Teiid server, not a generic running AS.

              I am not asking for AS/EAP installed, and Teiid installation without restarting. What I am saying is I configured Designer to use Teiid Server as mention in your next post, and it is working. Now, quit/exit the Designer and restart and now "preview" does not work, and it complains about the above error I mention in the original post. I have NOT seen a straight forward way to connect back to server to make preview work. My gripe is, when I already configured AS Server it in my previous session, why are you making keep connecting again, connect to the server configuration from my previous setting. In relative terms, when my phone sees the hotspot which I connected to it previously, it makes connection under the covers when I am in the range. The same should apply here.





              • 4. Re: How to connect to a running server?

                Hey guys.  For what it is worth, I just started getting this error within the last hour and just found this post.  I am running the same setup as Ramesh.  Everything was working earlier and then after a restart, Teiid Designer cannot connect to the local running server.  Seems that everything else works until I try to run a preview and get the "This action requires a running server - please connect and retry".

                • 5. Re: How to connect to a running server?



                  I accidently found this under "servers" view, there is a "Teiid Server configuration" under the

                  server configuration. I think I double clicked or right clicked to refresh. Which was intutive at all.



                  • 6. Re: How to connect to a running server?

                    Ramesh, Blaine,


                    Yes, the right-click Refresh action does instantiate the "Teiid Server API" component that Designer uses.


                    We'll work this issue.



                    • 7. Re: How to connect to a running server?

                      Thanks Ramesh!  I would have been looking for that all day.


                      In case anyone else hits this, when you find the "Teiid Server Configuration" option beneath your defined server in the "Servers" view, simply right-click and select "Refresh".  That worked.


                      I agree that it was not very intuitive.  I see that being a common action.  I would rather be able to click on the defined server and refresh or add a button to the servers view for it.

                      • 8. Re: How to connect to a running server?

                        Ramesh, Blaine,


                        Your issue suggests a problem with the JBoss server starting and notifying Designer internals that the Teiid Admin client should connect to the Teiid Server.


                        The normal course of events is that once the JBoss server (parent server) has started then a reconnection to its Teiid Server is made. This is the course of events:


                        1. Start JBoss Server with start button;
                        2. JBoss Server starts and once it has established the START state, notifies all listeners;
                        3. The singleton TeiidParentServerListener receives the notification, checks the state of the parent server (is STARTED) and acts to reconnect the Teiid Admin Client to the Teiid Server.


                        Repeating your use-case, I have successfully observed this behaviour, with no recourse to using the refresh button. However, it is confirmed that there are occasions when this is not going smoothly in that, maybe:

                        • the JBoss Server is not correctly notifying the TeiidParentServerListener;
                        • the TeiidParentServerListener is not correctly reconnecting to the Teiid Server


                        Therefore, I have opened https://issues.jboss.org/browse/TEIIDDES-1813 so could you post any logs that may have been generated on restarting Designer as well as anything else that may help us repeat the problem?


                        Many thanks



                        • 9. Re: How to connect to a running server?



                          The order of operations is exactly as you mentioned. In my case the server is remotely or externally managed (still I need to issue start command). I do not see any log/error statements during this time.



