3 Replies Latest reply on Jul 31, 2013 6:57 AM by ppitonak

    Moving page fragments from richfaces-qa repository




      as we agreed some time ago, we'd like to move all existing page fragments for RichFaces components from the QA repository [1] to the framework repository so that they are released together with framework.


      1. Do we want to create a new top-level module in "richfaces" Git repository or will it be placed somewhere else?
      2. Do we need to change anything in page fragment's pom.xml? At the moment it depends on org.richfaces:richfaces, org.seleniumhq.selenium:selenium-java and Arquillian Graphene. Won't there be cyclic dependency between page fragments and framework itself?
      3. Jiri proposed some polishing of API so we should be able to move it next week. Do we still target 5.0.0.Alpha2?





      [1] https://github.com/richfaces/richfaces-qa/tree/master/page-fragments

        • 1. Re: Moving page fragments from richfaces-qa repository

          I guess that if your are able to finish it by next week, then we could include it in Alpha2 (no worries, it can be WIP though).

          Let's get it prototyped on separated branch and we will merge at the right moment.



          1. Do we want to create a new top-level module in "richfaces" Git repository or will it be placed somewhere else?
          2. Do we need to change anything in page fragment's pom.xml? At the moment it depends on org.richfaces:richfaces, org.seleniumhq.selenium:selenium-java and Arquillian Graphene. Won't there be cyclic dependency between page fragments and framework itself?

          I don't think fragments should depend on framework, could you explain what are those dependencies? Do you use some interfaces or enums from richfaces.jar?

          If they doesn't have to depend on framework, then they could be simply same artifact.


          In an opposite case (there is unavoidable dependency), we can place the fragments to framework/src/main (or framework/src/test ?).

          We will have harder time to setup packaging and distribution though.

          • 2. Re: Moving page fragments from richfaces-qa repository

            +1 for new top-level module in the "richfaces" git repository.


            I also would like to hear the details of fragments dependencies on the framework.

            • 3. Re: Moving page fragments from richfaces-qa repository

              Brian, page fragments only need few classes from framework:

              • org.richfaces.ui.common.Mode
              • org.richfaces.ui.common.SwitchType
              • org.richfaces.ui.output.tooltip.TooltipMode