1 Reply Latest reply on Jul 31, 2013 11:12 AM by wdfink

    Are there any mandatory updates for JBoss 5.1.0 GA under LGPL license?


      Hi All,


      I have installed an application with Jboss 5.1.0 GA   (build: SVNTag=JBoss_5_1_0_GA date=200905221053) is distributable under LGPL license.

      Are there any mandatory updates or security hot fixes for this version to upgrade JBoss to a latest minor-minor version like as JBoss 5.1.2  or 5.1.0.x?

      If yes, How can I get the list of the updates and an instruction for patches installation?

        • 1. Re: Are there any mandatory updates for JBoss 5.1.0 GA under LGPL license?

          Hello Oleg,


          welcome to the forum.


          Community versions are available from the download page.

          You will not receive any patches or security updates except you use a newer version which will be AS7 or WildFly8.0 at the moment.


          If you need to keep JBoss5 you might buy a subsrciption for the EAP release, here you can migrate to the EAP5.x version and you can donwload security patches and, depend on your subscription, download or request bugfix patches for this version.

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