2 Replies Latest reply on Jan 14, 2003 11:24 AM by crowley

    CMP2.x table name ignored in jbosscmp-jdbc.xml


      I am trying to get one of the JBoss examples (CDBean) to work with CMP2.x (by default they use CMP1.x). Specifically I want the bean to use a table name different from the name of the bean.

      The jbosscmp-jdbc.xml file seems to be getting ignored (it doesn't use the table name specified). Both ejb-jar.xml and jbosscmp-jdbc.xml files are listed out at the end of this message.

      When I deploy the bean, I get the following message on the jboss console :

      [JBoss] 23:34:02,576 INFO [EJBDeployer]
      [JBoss] Bean : CDBean
      [JBoss] Method : public abstract Collection findByType(String) throws
      RemoteException, FinderException
      [JBoss] Section: 10.5.6
      [JBoss] Warning: Every finder method except findByPrimaryKey(key) must be associated with a query element in the deployment descriptor.
      [JBoss] 23:34:02,600 INFO [EjbModule] Creating
      [JBoss] 23:34:02,635 INFO [EjbModule] Deploying CDBean
      [JBoss] 23:34:02,901 INFO [EjbModule] Deploying CDCollectionBean
      [JBoss] 23:34:04,358 INFO [JDBCInitCommand] Created table 'CDBean' successfully.
      [JBoss] 23:34:04,371 INFO [EjbModule] Created
      [JBoss] 23:34:04,372 INFO [EjbModule] Starting
      [JBoss] 23:34:04,454 INFO [EjbModule] Started

      The message is labeled as a *WARNNG*, not a fatal deployment error. I have defined query elements for all finder methods, except findByPrimaryKey (as stated in the warning message).

      JBoss *appears* to ignore everything in jbosscmp-jdbc.xml and proceed. For example, it uses a different tablename (same name as the bean - CDBean). The deployment is successfull (I can talk to the bean) but it is using the wrong table name (should be CDBeanTable per my jbosscmp-jdbc.xml file, not CDBean).

      Perhaps someone can help with my questions :

      - Is the jbosscmp-jdbc.xml file required for CMP2.x? Every CMP 2.x example I have seen includes this file.

      - Does the jbosscmp-jdbc.xml file go under META-INF dir of the bean jar? This is where I put it.

      - Do the elements go in ejb-jar.xml, or jbosscmp-jdbc.xml? They are shown in both DTD's.

      - Is there something wrong with the element structure & content in my jbosscmp-jdbc.xml file? I followed the DTD for this file as best as I could.

      Thanks in advance,


      Here is the jbosscmp-jdbc.xml file for this bean :

      === Start jbosscmp-jdbc.xml ===
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

      <!DOCTYPE jbosscmp-jdbc PUBLIC
      "-//JBoss//DTD JBOSSCMP-JDBC 3.0//EN"





      <ejb-ql><![CDATA[ SELECT OBJECT(l) FROM cdbean l WHERE
      l.type=?1 ]]>

      <![CDATA[ SELECT OBJECT(l) FROM cdbean l ]]>

      === End jbosscmp-jdbc.xml ===

      Here is my ejb-jar.xml file for this bean :

      === Start ejb-jar.xml ===
      <?xml version="1.0"?>

      <!DOCTYPE ejb-jar PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Enterprise
      JavaBeans 2.0//EN" "http://java.sun.com/dtd/ejb-jar_2_0.dtd">


      Models a music CD

      <![CDATA[ SELECT OBJECT(l) FROM cdbean l WHERE l.type=?1 ]]>

      <![CDATA[ SELECT OBJECT(l) FROM cdbean l ]]>

      Models a music CD collection





      === End ejb-jar.xml ===

        • 1. Re: CMP2.x table name ignored in jbosscmp-jdbc.xml

          Here's a partial solution to the problem above :

          It turns out that my elements were not properly written. Specifically it was missing the <method-params> elements :

          <method-param>java.lang.String</method-param> # this was missing
          <ejb-ql><![CDATA[ SELECT OBJECT(l) FROM cdbean l WHERE l.type=?1 ]]>

          This resolved the warning message about missing query elements. However JBoss still ignores everything in jbosscmp-jdbc.xml (tablename, column names, etc).

          Can anyone help?


          • 2. Re: CMP2.x table name ignored in jbosscmp-jdbc.xml

            I have the same problem with the table name which I specify in jbosscmp-jdbc.xml. It's ignored. Have you found a solution to this problem yet?