0 Replies Latest reply on Aug 1, 2013 5:56 AM by tangcheng

    Divert has a bug?


      I configure a divert in hornetq-configuration.xml. One of the lines is  "<exclusive>true</exclusive>".


      I send a large message and I see two files,one of them is received and the other is replicated.


      the replicated file is referenced by a ServerMessage,but the received message is not.


      is this A bug? the received message should be deleted?


      Please have a look at BindingsImpl.route.


      public void route(final ServerMessage message, final RoutingContext context) throws Exception


            boolean routed = false;



            if (!exclusiveBindings.isEmpty())


               for (Binding binding : exclusiveBindings)


                  if (binding.getFilter() == null || binding.getFilter().match(message))


                     binding.getBindable().route(message, context);



                     routed = true;




      //should add codes like

      if(routed && message.isLargeMessage())


      //delete the file of large message
