3 Replies Latest reply on Aug 1, 2013 9:24 PM by zhongcy

    Init a JNDI in embedded hornetq module


      hello everyone,

           can onlyone tell me how to init a JNDI in embedded hornetq module? 

        • 1. Re: Init a JNDI in embedded hornetq module

          I have the same question.   I'm using EmbeddedJMS for some examples and tests and I would like to access JMS resources via JNDI.    I've noticed that most of the examples start HornetQ using the distro 'run.sh' script, which can be configured to launch the JNDI server.   Is there some similar config that we can use to start the JNDI server with EmbeddedJMS()?

          • 2. Re: Init a JNDI in embedded hornetq module

            Clebert sez this isn't supported, btw.   I work around it by creating an interface for looking up ConnectionFactory and destinations, and having two implementations: one for JNDI, one for HornetQ embedded JMS.   I suppose could also make a JNDI implementation that uses the embedded server lookup() function.

            1 of 1 people found this helpful
            • 3. Re: Init a JNDI in embedded hornetq module

              i think you got the right way, we should create the interface by ourselves.