5 Replies Latest reply on Aug 2, 2013 11:57 AM by agt14

    extendedDataTable column width resize


      it is possible to create a table where the columns have a fix width (in pixel). in the browser then it is possible to resize (change the width) of the columns. the table width is not changed in this operation and this is why we get an empty space between the columns (see screenshot of the EDT on the demo site).

      is it possible to recalculate the table width to avoid the empty space between the columns?

        • 1. Re: extendedDataTable column width resize

          You can try invoking the updateLayout javascript method of the extendedDataTable component.  Alternatively try setting the column width in an ajax update - the ajax render should take care of the column width calculations for you.

          • 2. Re: extendedDataTable column width resize

            - the updateLayout method is called automatically every time a column width is changed. so it would not make a difference if i call it manually again.

            - i do not want to make an ajax call to rerender the table. i want to resize the column and recalculate the column and table width in java script


            the developer specifies the table/column width, then the user (in browser) wants to change a column width. in my opinion the user would expect the table width to be recalculated acourding to the new column width.

            this actually is working if the user makes the column width bigger (the table width will be recalculated and the scrollbar updated)

            the question is if this should work in the other direction too (when the column width gets smaller)

            • 3. Re: extendedDataTable column width resize

              Have you got any workaround? I also face the error. and don't know how to fix.

              • 4. Re: extendedDataTable column width resize

                Are you describing the problem observed in RF-13094?

                • 5. Re: extendedDataTable column width resize

                  it might be that RF-13094 describes the same problem.

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