1 Reply Latest reply on Aug 7, 2013 9:07 AM by ibenjes

    Row height of extendedDataTable not adjusting based on cell content




      I am currently migrating our RF 3 project to RF 4 and I have noticed that the rich:extendedDataTable does not adjust the height of the rows according to its cell content.


      Screen Shot 2013-08-07 at 12.01.50.png

      This is how it looked in RF 3 or RF 4.3 with a rich:dataTable.

      If you use rich:extendedDataTable it looks like this:

      Screen Shot 2013-08-07 at 12.04.27.png

      As you can see the other lines are cut off (css overflow:hidden)

      The problem is this bit of html/css:



      <td class="rf-edt-td-j_idt2439">

           <div class="rf-edt-c rf-edt-c-j_idt2439">

                <div class="rf-edt-c-cnt">


                                <li>Line 1</li>

                                <li>Line 2</li>

                                <li>Line 3</li>







      The problem here is the CSS for rf-edt-c:

      *.rf-edt-c {


      1. height: 20px;
      2. overflow: hidden;





      When I overwrite the CSS with height:auto; I get the following result:

      Screen Shot 2013-08-07 at 12.03.17.png

      Now the boarders are all messed up.

      Why was the behaviour changed? How can I get the extendedDataTable to adjust the row height automatically?

        • 1. Re: Row height of extendedDataTable not adjusting based on cell content

          I've seen this older post: https://community.jboss.org/thread/170991


          I've tried to remove the border from the rf-edt-c and instead set it on the td as suggested in the post above however now the header and the actual columns don't map up anymore as shown here:

          Screen Shot 2013-08-07 at 13.34.24.png

          It seems the header is actually in a different table then the content, so the width of the td cells in the header doesn't match the width of the columns in the actual 'content' table.



          Update: I had a look at the other post again and I thought I was doing the same they did but I was missing one style. If you use all 3 styles listed in the post it does seem to work!