0 Replies Latest reply on Aug 13, 2013 3:52 AM by vijayaprasad

    Route to a webapplication without creating camel endpoint




      I have a web application which is running in tomcat. In the same tomcat I have deployed a camel application.


      Am able to route to the webapplication by creating the camel endpoint using the below code:


      <camelContext xmlns="http://camel.apache.org/schema/spring">


                <from uri="servlet:///hello" />


                      uri="jetty:http://localhost:9090/examples/servlets/servlet/RequestParamExample?bridgeEndpoint=true&amp;throwExceptionOnFailure=true" />




      Now I want to access the same webapplication without creating the endpoint since both are running in the same JVM.


      Any help/clarification on this will be helpful for me.