1 Reply Latest reply on Aug 15, 2013 11:25 AM by tcunning

    Sending messages from c++ app over ESB





      I want to send messages coming from a C++ application (functions in a DLL) over JBoss ESB. My idea was to use JMS queues, i.e., to use Hornetq, because JBoss AS uses it as JMS implementation, and STOMP clients (HornetQ REST is only distributed with HornetQ 2.2.2).


      What I have done so far: I installed JBoss AS (5.0.1), JBoss ESB (4.12), and HornetQ (2.1.2). Trying the hello world example verified the correct installation.


      Does anyone have further ideas how to continue . . .

        • 1. Re: Sending messages from c++ app over ESB



          The major piece of ESB-centric advice I'd have is that if you can, I'd try to use JBoss AS 5.1.0.GA (vs 5.0.1).     There's been a lot more JBoss ESB and HornetQ testing on that version.   


          The HornetQ pages seem to have a ton of links on setting up STOMP Clients (https://github.com/jmesnil/hornetq-stomp) and here's a DZone article about Last.fm using a similar architecture (http://java.dzone.com/articles/case-study-how-lastfm-uses).       If you've got the helloworld quickstart working with HornetQ, it sounds like the work left is on the HornetQ C++ client - I've never written one, but there's a book out on HornetQ which might be helpful, and a quick search of the HornetQ forum suggests a lot of other people have writte C++ clients.