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1. Re: question regaring to "The length of the Procedure parameter"
rareddy Aug 20, 2013 4:29 PM (in response to katherine)There is no limit on BLOB/CLOB/SQLXML types. Which version of Teiid? How are you building your blob? is it serializable?
2. Re: question regaring to "The length of the Procedure parameter"
shawkins Aug 20, 2013 7:57 PM (in response to rareddy)The length limit is effectively 2^31-1 (the max signed 32 bit int). For blobs/sqlxml length is the byte length and for clobs is the character length. In any case the metadata here should not be causing the exception.
As for the exception if you are on 8.3, you may be hitting you should try using the 8.4 client driver.