2 Replies Latest reply on Aug 23, 2013 11:01 AM by mdrillin

    Unable to set teiid designer as default perspective in eclipse Kepler.Designer 8.2



      My previous devlopemnt env stack was eclipse indigo and  teiid_designer-7.8.0.v20120709-1701-H10-Final.

      To start eclipse with teiid perspective always following property was added to the eclipse.ini file:




      Now with the kepler version and teiid designer 8.2 version,it fails to start with the teiid designer perspective.


      Also tried adding

      org.eclipse.ui/defaultPerspectiveId=modelerPerspective to the plugin_customization.ini file

      but even that is not giving the desired results.


      Is this an issue with kepler or Teiid-desinger.

      Is there a known workaround for this.


