1. Re: User sessions in GateIn 3.6
bigsmall Aug 25, 2013 6:55 AM (in response to bigsmall)No one can help me?
2. Re: User sessions in GateIn 3.6
mstruk Aug 26, 2013 8:44 AM (in response to bigsmall)Your question is too broad. You probably have PortletSession in mind, but maybe not.
PortletSession is well covered in portlet specification and portlet tutorials. It uses servlet container's HttpSession underneath, which means attributes set through portlet can be accessed from servlets and jsps, and vice versa.
3. Re: User sessions in GateIn 3.6
bigsmall Aug 26, 2013 1:46 PM (in response to mstruk)I'm not quite what I had in mind. I am interested in where GateIn after user authentication on the site holds information about current user session?
4. Re: User sessions in GateIn 3.6
mstruk Aug 27, 2013 8:14 AM (in response to bigsmall)I suggest you describe your use-case - what it is you're trying to achieve.
5. Re: User sessions in GateIn 3.6
bigsmall Sep 3, 2013 2:13 PM (in response to mstruk)I apologize for such a long answer. I'm wondering where are the user sessions actually stored in server? In the memory or somewhere? I needed to make the GateIn stores the data in a database on hard drive.