0 Replies Latest reply on Jan 20, 2003 8:37 AM by damencho

    Error while loading JBoss java.lang.ClassNotFoundException C


      I'm using jboss-3.0.3_tomcat-4.1.12
      While starting JBoss throws some exceptions and I'dont know the cause ot them can you help!
      Here are the errors:

      15:41:45,192 ERROR [EJBDeployer] Verfiy failed
      java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/mortbay/j2ee/session/interfaces/CMPStateHome

      15:41:45,253 WARN [ServiceController] Problem creating service jboss.j2ee:jndiName=jetty/CMPState,service=EJB
      java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.mortbay.j2ee.session.interfaces.CMPStateHome

      MBeans waiting for other MBeans:
      [ObjectName: jboss.net:service=Axis
      state: CONFIGURED
      I Depend On: jboss.web:service=JBossWeb

      Depends On Me: jboss.net:service=Adaptor
      , ObjectName: jboss.net:service=Adaptor
      state: CONFIGURED
      I Depend On: jboss.net:service=Axis

      Depends On Me: , ObjectName: jboss.j2ee:jndiName=jetty/CMPState,service=EJB
      state: FAILED
      I Depend On:
      Depends On Me: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.mortbay.j2ee.session.interfaces.CMPStateHome]

      15:41:47,696 INFO [URLDeploymentScanner] Started