0 Replies Latest reply on Sep 12, 2013 8:06 AM by pradee_guna

    Need to add Application User for JMS


      hi all,

      I need to run the JMS Quickstart 6.1.. When following the Readme file steps; at one point i didnt understand.. below is what i followed


      Add an Application User

      1. Open a command line 
      2. You should see the following response:

        What type of user do you wish to adda) Management User (mgmt-users.properties)  b) Application User (application-users.properties)  (a):  

        At the prompt, type: b

      3. You should see the following response:

        Enter the details of the new user to add.  Realm (ApplicationRealm) :  

        If the quickstart README specifies a realm, type it here. Otherwise, press enter to use the default ApplicationRealm.


      I didnt't understand what Application realm is.. should i specify or use default. For the Readme file click here : JBoss AS Quickstarts , in that scroll down to the "Add an application USer "