1 Reply Latest reply on Sep 13, 2013 4:29 AM by ajanz

    ClassCastException: LocalInterface$$$view12 cannot be cast to LocalInterface


      i have two seam 2 applications which i try to run under JBoss 7


      one is packaged as ear, the other is packaged as war.


      The war application tries per jndi lookup a bean from the ear application.


      The lookup is


      InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();

      Object o = (Object) ctx.lookup("java:global/earpp/earapp.jar/LocalInteferfaceImpl");




      LocalInteferfaceImpl is implementing LocalInteferface


      but when i try to cast  the object o  to LocaInterface i got ClassCastException : LocalInterface$$$view12 cannot be cast to LocalInterface


      The interface is packaged in both. the ear and the war file.


      what am i  doing wrong?