1 2 Previous Next 16 Replies Latest reply on Sep 23, 2015 6:26 AM by isurul

    Hornetq standalone, two nodes cluster - when brutally killing a node, clients receive only half of subsequent messages


      Is this expected behavior?

      Using hornetq 2.2.5

      Setting up a two nodes hornetq cluster with no failover (no live/backup pairs). Cluster is setup using static discovery.

      One producer constantly sending messages on a queue (1 per s)

      One consumer listening on that queue.

      Clients are connecting using ha (new HornetQJMSConnectionFactory(true,...))


      When shutting down a node cleanly, the producer continues sending and all messages are received. Beautiful.


      When killing a node though (kill -9, on the node that has a consumer on the queue, identified with jconsole ConsumerCount=1):

      - producers are fine, they are able to continue sending messages

      - but consumers only receive one half of the messages sent by the producers.

      - this goes on for as long as I keep the test running (>10 minutes)

      - if I revive the killed node, all messages are 'unstuck' and the consumers receive them.


      Wild guess, it looks as if the remaining hornetQ node doesn't know that the dead node is out of the cluster, and is reserving half of the messages for it.


      Is this expected behavior (not running live/backup pairs)? A misconfiguration smell? Bug?

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