0 Replies Latest reply on Sep 16, 2013 11:17 AM by deveshmishra

    need help in accessing dependent jboss modules


      I want to access all the dependent modules of a jboss module. The requirement is ...


      1) I have a module A

      2) There are modules P, Q which are dependent on module A


      <module xmlns="urn:jboss:module:1.1" name="P">


              <resource-root path="test.jar"/>




              <module name="A"/>



      3) I need to access all the modules which are dependent on module A. something like.

      ModuleInfo [] info = something.getAllDependentModules("A");


      Looks like ModuleLoader.MXBeanImpl.getDependencies(str) can provide this info. But I am not sure how to get access to MXBeanImpl, as it seems to have package access.


      Thanks for the help in advance.