1 Reply Latest reply on Sep 19, 2013 7:35 AM by vandiesel

    error validating jboss-ejb3.xml




      We are migrating our application to JBoss 7.1.1.


      The application has some WAR's, some JAR's and some EJB JAR's (EJB 2.1).


      I have read that jboss.xml is not used in JBoss 7 and that we need to change the filename to jboss-ejb3.xml (we have to do it, also if we we have only EJB 2.1 ?)


      I renamed jboss.xml to jboss-ejb3.xml and changed the schema to:


      <jboss:ejb-jar xmlns:jboss="http://www.jboss.com/xml/ns/javaee"
                     xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.jboss.com/xml/ns/javaee http://www.jboss.org/j2ee/schema/jboss-ejb3-2_0.xsd
      http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee/ejb-jar_3_1.xsd
      urn:trans-timeout http://www.jboss.org/j2ee/schema/trans-timeout-1_0.xsd"


      If I try to validate the file in an XML editor, it cannot find the schema ejb3-2_0.xsd in  http://www.jboss.org/j2ee/schema.


      I have taken the schema from <jboss7>/docs/schema and I have validated the xml. It gives some errors. ex:

      Invalid content: securit-domain

      Invalid content: jndi-name


      I attach my jboss.xml




      Is there any place where it explains the migration from jboss.xml to jboss-ejb3.xml ?


      Thanks !