1 Reply Latest reply on Sep 20, 2013 12:15 PM by swiderski.maciej

    JBPM 5 Transaction in EJB 3




      I'm using JBpm 5.4 with JBoss 7.1 and JBPM 5.4. I have problem with transaction when I create kssesion object inside EJB (transaction managed by container). I don't know how to force (configure) JBPM 5 to share the same transaction with EJB. From my tests, it looks like JBPM 5 creates own transaction (create new transaction, and not use current transaction from ejb context).


      My configuration of JBPM looks like:



      @PersistenceUnit(unitName = "org.jbpm.persistence.jpa")
      private EntityManagerFactory emf;
      StatefulKnowledgeSession ksession = null;
      KnowledgeBase kbase = null;
      Environment env = KnowledgeBaseFactory.newEnvironment();
      env.set(EnvironmentName.ENTITY_MANAGER_FACTORY, emf);
      env.set(EnvironmentName.TRANSACTION_MANAGER, new ContainerManagedTransactionManager());
      env.set(EnvironmentName.PERSISTENCE_CONTEXT_MANAGER, new JpaProcessPersistenceContextManager(env));
      KnowledgeBuilder kbuilder = KnowledgeBuilderFactory.newKnowledgeBuilder();
      kbase = kbuilder.newKnowledgeBase();
      ksession =    JPAKnowledgeService.newStatefulKnowledgeSession(kbase, null, env);




      <persistence-unit name="org.jbpm.persistence.jpa"
                  <property name="hibernate.dialect" value="org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect" />
                  <property name="hibernate.max_fetch_depth" value="3" />
                  <property name="hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto" value="update" />
                  <property name="hibernate.show_sql" value="true" />
                  <property name="hibernate.transaction.manager_lookup_class"
                           value="org.hibernate.transaction.JBossTransactionManagerLookup" />
                   BZ 841786: AS7/EAP 6/Hib 4 uses new (sequence) generators which seem
                      to cause problems -->
                  <property name="hibernate.id.new_generator_mappings" value="false" />


      If someone know answer, please help.

        • 1. Re: JBPM 5 Transaction in EJB 3

          could you upload the entire ejb class that creates ksession? Configuration looks to be right so we need to look exactly on how you use it, assuming it is CMT and not BMT, what transaction attribute you have set for methods that create ksession?

