2 Replies Latest reply on Sep 23, 2013 4:35 PM by nscavell

    Is it possible to create a page in gateIn using public API


      Hi all

      Is it possible to create a page in gateIn 3.6 using public API. Is there is any sample code available to create a page from public api?




      Anish Antony

        • 1. Re: Is it possible to create a page in gateIn using public API

          I created a page by using following way

                    Portal portal = PortalRequest.getInstance().getPortal();

                     Page newpage = portal.createPage(new PageId("classic", "mypage"));


                  newpage.setDisplayName("My New Page");


          But now my problem is how to add portlet into that page?

          • 2. Re: Is it possible to create a page in gateIn using public API

            No, not at the moment. We only support 'page meta data' and not the page layout which would include your applications (portlets). First we wanted to reduce scope so we could focus on full navigation API and second we wanted to use newly developed internal services like NavigationService and PageService; however, development has not been done to support the data you want internally.