0 Replies Latest reply on Sep 26, 2013 3:35 AM by 50819

    Deploy multiple Spring webapps in JBoss 6.1




      we developed spring based webapplications, which we're normally deploying in tomcat servet container. For a new customer it is required to deploy on JBoss AS 6.1.


      All webapps are packaged as war files, sharing all jars (spring, commons, hibernate, database drivers, ...), so we put jars to common tomcat lib folder.


      I wanted to do the same in JBoss, which is first time for me. So I deployed the war file to server/default/deploy and put all libs to server/default/lib. That is not working! If I put the spring jars back to war file WEB-INF/lib folder, application is running.


      What is the problem with deploying the spring jars at server/default/lib folder ?? How can I solve?


      Thankt in advance.
