9 Replies Latest reply on Oct 9, 2013 2:14 PM by bleathem

    context menu on a rich tree does not work in some cases




      I would like to use a context menu on a tree. And this context menu has to re-render before to be displayed to enable or disable some menu depending on the node clicked. More over I would like to have a popupPanel status while processing the ajax request.


      here's the jsf


      <h:form id="form" prependId="true">
              <rich:tree id="tree" nodeType="item" var="node"
                          value="#{myBean.nodes}" toggleType="client" status="waitingStatus"
                         selectionType="ajax" selectionChangeListener="#{myBean.selectionChanged}">
                  <rich:treeNode type="item">
                      <h:outputText value="#{node.label}"/>
              <rich:contextMenu target="tree" mode="ajax" id="context">
                  <rich:menuItem label="View"
                                 mode="ajax" icon="/images/icons/open.gif"/>
           <rich:popupPanel id="mpstatus" moveable="false" modal="true"
                      style="text-align: center;background-color:white;">
                       <h:outputText value="#{msg.loading}" style="display:block;"/>
                       <h:graphicImage value="/images/loading.gif"/>
            <a4j:status id="waitingStatus" name="waitingStatus"
                       onstart="#{rich:component('mpstatus')}.show('', {height:'80',width:'150'})"


      Here's the managed bean:


      public class MyBean implements Serializable{
          private ArrayList<Node> nodes;
          private Collection<Object> selectedItems;
          public MyBean() {
              setNodes(new ArrayList<Node>());
              Node n1 = new Node("node1");
              Node n2 = new Node("node12");
              getNodes().add(new Node("node2"));
          public void selectionChanged(TreeSelectionChangeEvent event) {  }
          public ArrayList<Node> getNodes() {
              return nodes;
          public void setNodes(ArrayList<Node> nodes) {
              this.nodes = nodes;
          public Collection<Object> getSelectedItems() {
              return selectedItems;
          public void setSelectedItems(Collection<Object> selectedItems) {
              this.selectedItems = selectedItems;


      So If I specify no render (in the rich:tree) and no status, the context menu works. But If I specify render either on "tree" or "context" or both, or a status "waitingStatus" the context menu does not appear anymore.

      This behavior did work perfecly in RF3.


      Env:RF4.3.3 Mojarra2.1.6, glassfish


      Does anyone can help ?


        • 1. Re: context menu on a rich tree does not work in some cases

          Mojarra 2.1.6 is really old, can you try something newer?


          Any error messages in your browser console or server log?

          • 2. Re: context menu on a rich tree does not work in some cases

            Hi Brian,

            I updated to 2.1.26 the problem remains the same.

            There is no error message in JS console.

            see the screenshot for richfaces log messages after a context menu event on node 2.screenshot.png

            • 3. Re: context menu on a rich tree does not work in some cases

              Your status exists outside of the form.  Can you try:


              1. Move the a4j:status out of the popup panel and in the form itslef?
              2. if 1. works, try moving the popuppanel in to your form and setting the domElementAttachment attribute to form?
              • 4. Re: Re: context menu on a rich tree does not work in some cases

                Hi Brian,

                so I tried this but it does not work better.


                <h:form id="form" prependId="true" >
                    <rich:tree id="tree" nodeType="item" var="node" status="waitingStatus"
                            value="#{myBean.nodes}" toggleType="client"
                                selectionType="ajax" selectionChangeListener="#{myBean.selectionChanged}">
                          <rich:treeNode type="item">
                              <h:outputText value="#{node.label}"/>
                    <rich:contextMenu target="tree" mode="ajax" id="context">
                        <rich:menuItem label="View" render="popupContent" oncomplete="#{rich:component('popup')}.show()"
                    <a4j:status id="waitingStatus" name="waitingStatus"
                        onstart="#{rich:component('mpstatus')}.show('', {height:'80',width:'150'})"
                <rich:popupPanel id="mpstatus" moveable="false" modal="true"
                        style="text-align: center;background-color:white;">
                        <h:outputText value="#{msg.loading}" style="display:block;"/>
                        <h:graphicImage value="/images/loading.gif"/>


                thx for your reply.

                • 5. Re: context menu on a rich tree does not work in some cases

                  How does it "not work better"?  Same failure? Different failure?

                  • 6. Re: context menu on a rich tree does not work in some cases

                    It is the same failure : the context menu does not appear.

                    • 7. Re: context menu on a rich tree does not work in some cases

                      Sounds like you've uncovered a bug.  There are a few too many variables at play here though, we need to narrow it down.


                      • The problem:
                        • the contextMenu does not appear under certain conditions.
                      • The components involved:
                        • the tree, contextMenu, popup and status.
                      • To Reproduce
                        • render the contextMenu or the tree
                          • or
                        • include the status


                      Can you try cutting the popupPanel out of the above equation, and see if you can still reproduce?  Follow these steps while debugging the applications:


                      • 8. Re: Re: context menu on a rich tree does not work in some cases

                        Ok Brian,

                        so there is 3 differents cases.


                        1. Context menu does not work on a tree when re-render context menu


                        <h:form id="form" prependId="true" >
                            <rich:tree id="tree" nodeType="item" var="node" render="context"
                                        selectionType="ajax" selectionChangeListener="#{myBean.selectionChanged}">
                                  <rich:treeNode type="item">
                                      <h:outputText value="#{node.label}"/>
                            <rich:contextMenu target="tree" mode="ajax" id="context">
                                <rich:menuItem label="View" render="popupContent" oncomplete="#{rich:component('smth')}.show()"


                        No warning in JS console, a4j:debug console and ui:debug output


                        2. Context menu does not work on a tree when re-render the tree


                        <h:form id="form" prependId="true" >
                            <rich:tree id="tree" nodeType="item" var="node"
                                    value="#{myBean.nodes}" toggleType="client" 
                                         selectionType="ajax" selectionChangeListener="#{myBean.selectionChanged}">
                                  <rich:treeNode type="item">
                                      <h:outputText value="#{node.label}"/>
                             <rich:contextMenu target="tree" mode="ajax" id="context">
                                 <rich:menuItem label="View" render="popupContent" oncomplete="#{rich:component('smth')}.show()"


                        The context menu appears once (at the first context menu event) and after it does not appear anymore.

                        No JS console error.


                        3. Context menu does not work on a tree with  a popupPanel status


                        <h:form id="form" prependId="true" >
                            <rich:tree id="tree" nodeType="item" var="node" status="waitingStatus"
                                    value="#{myBean.nodes}" toggleType="client" 
                                         selectionType="ajax" selectionChangeListener="#{myBean.selectionChanged}">
                                  <rich:treeNode type="item">
                                      <h:outputText value="#{node.label}"/>
                             <rich:contextMenu target="tree" mode="ajax" id="context">
                                 <rich:menuItem label="View" render="popupContent" oncomplete="#{rich:component('popup')}.show()"
                                <a4j:status id="waitingStatus" name="waitingStatus"
                                onstart="#{rich:component('mpstatus')}.show('', {height:'80',width:'150'})"
                        <rich:popupPanel id="mpstatus" moveable="false" modal="true"
                                style="text-align: center;background-color:white;">
                                 <h:outputText value="#{msg.loading}" style="display:block;"/>
                                 <h:graphicImage value="/images/loading.gif"/>

                        No JS error or logs error.


                        The managed bean associated is the same for the three cas, see first message.

                        • 9. Re: context menu on a rich tree does not work in some cases

                          thanks for breaking down the use cases so succinctly.  I've asked our QE team (cc: ppitonak) to check if any of these use cases are covered by our functional test suite.